Greeting with Joy!
Welcome to KALEX Online Marketing
This Is A NEW ERA of online marketing! No longer a website waiting for visitor to click on you. But YOU and ME to Reach Out visitor in KALEX Extreme Marketing Strategy. FIRST and EVER!
Welcome to KALEX online services: Online Marketing and Advertising Service Division.
For more than a decade, sales strategists have been advising businesses to take their marketing online. Forward-looking companies have heeded this message.
However, many businesses still prefer traditional media such as TV, radio and newsprint. So while typical consumers might spend 25% of their media time surfing the Web, these companies might only be investing 5% or so of their marketing budgets on websites and other online promotions.
These businesses need to get with the times and accelerate their investments on the Internet, especially during the downturn. Here are a few good reasons why.
1.Go to Your Customers
It’s a given in marketing that you need to be where your customers are. So where are your customers these days? More and more, they’re spending their leisure time online. Don't wait! don't stay at your shop wait for walk-in business. Don't even wait the flyer distributor to do their work or even don't wait for your salesman to make any single call~! Pro-actively reach your potential customer out there.2.Targeted and Global Reach
The Internet is hyped as a medium with global reach that is available around the clock. While this is true, to market online, anyone can be your potential customer. You can attract anyone from surfing the internet to view your product, and you can even get someone to just read through your product description and company profile from an investor internationally.3.Get Results Cheaper and Faster
There’s a reason the postal service is called “snail mail.” When you factor in the environmental costs of traditional mailouts (paper, printing, fossil fuels), e-mail marketing looks very clean indeed.Your marketing budget is only so big: where will you spend it? TV and radio spots are expensive, and these media channels are becoming increasingly fragmented.
4.Papers are Yesterday’s News
Will print newspapers survive the economic downturn? Several major U.S. dailies, including the Rocky Mountain News and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, have already ceased publishing; others are threatened.Newspaper --> Printing everday.
Online Marketing --> Update anytime. INSTANT. With eco-friendly matter.
It’s Time to Adapt
Showing some prescience, John Quelch of Harvard Business School, writing for the Financial Times of London in 2008.The business prof concluded: “Successful companies do not abandon their marketing strategies in a recession; they adapt them.”
So the key question is, in recessionary times, how are you adapting your marketing strategies to include more marketing on the Web?
So don't refuse and hesitate to see the trending arrive.
For more information, please Reach KALEX online marketing now for exclusively crazy marketing product/service and enjoy the marketing package PROMOTION price!! Click here for more information!
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